#AltAC in Communication

#AltAC in Communication

Are you a current or recent graduate student who is playing with the idea of pursuing a non-academic career?   Here are 5 steps you can take right now!

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Virtual Workshop Series
on #AltAC in Communication 

This series of videos was made for PhDs or doctoral students interested in pursuing careers outside of traditional academic jobs.  They highlight the career paths and stories of communication PhDs who hold positions in corporate, nonprofit, administrative, health, and consulting work.   

Whether you are a recent PhD graduate, are currently working on your PhD, or have been working in either academia or the professional world--this workshop series will be useful to you as it offers hands-on conversations on alternative academic careers.

Organized by Sarah J. Tracy, professor and immediate past director of The Transformation Project, and Marco Dehnert, Doctoral Student, Arizona State University. Supported by a National Communication Association Advancing the Discipline Grant. The virtual workshop series was conducted and recorded in April 2021.

#AltAC: From Academy to Industry

Christine E. Kiesinger  

Eric D. Waters

#AltAC: On Being a Professional Researcher

Nancy Baym 

Melinda Rea-Holloway

#AltAC: “Pracademics” and Administrators: At the Intersections of Academy and Industry

Nicole L. Martin

Rahul Mitra

Leaving Home: Finding Place, Purpose and Possibilities Outside the Walls of Academia

Making Meaning Matter for Business: Pracademic Preparation for the Uncertainties and Realities of the New Academic Economy

Eric D. Waters

Watch the  Video

So you’d like your research to shape technology rather than respond to it?

Nancy Baym

Watch the Video

Notes from a professional people watcher: Turning nosiness into a career 


Melinda Rea-Holloway

Watch the Video

“I Made It Up:” (Re)Imagining What’s Possible with a PhD in the Academy

Cultivating a Skill Set that Sets up Success in an #AltAC Career

Rahul Mitra

Watch the Video

Additional Resources