COVID-19 Research

COVID-19 Research

Universities are at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19 and are working to protect us from other pandemics.

From assisting communities in developing response strategies to increasing testing capacity and researching possible vaccines, to treating people who have contracted the novel coronavirus, universities are working tirelessly to address the full impact of this pandemic.

At the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, the pandemic has provided a stark reminder of how important it is for science communication to more effectively put public interests at the heart of how scientific knowledge is produced, shared, and applied.

Hugh Downs School contributions:

Professor Steve Corman

Co-published, with his colleagues in the Disinformation Working Group, an op-ed for Scientific American on the importance of source characteristics in messaging to encourage vaccination. Read it HERE.

Associate Professor Bradley Adame 

"ASU Professor says clear messaging needed for COVID-19 pandemic," ASU News. Read it HERE

Professor Tony Roberto, Xin Zhou and Anya Hommadova Lu

"The Effects of Perceived Threat and Efficacy on College Students' Social Distancing Behavoir During the COVID-19 Pandemic" published in the Journal of Health Communication. Read it HERE.