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Sophie Katz

Sophie Katz, who hails from Dallas, is a junior studying Communication (BS), with a minor in Fashion Design, and a certificate in Legal Issues in Criminal Justice.

Question:  What does being accepted into Lambda Pi Eta mean to you? 

Answer:  Lambda Pi Eta is a great honor and achievement and shows all my hard work and dedication to my coursework has paid off! It means a lot to me to receive this honor after combatting virtual classes during COVID and now back to in-person classes while maintaining a 4.0 in communication classes. Communication is such a fun and interesting major allowing me to learn as much as possible in 4 years. Being a member of Lambda Pi Eta shows my dedication and interest in communication! I have taken as many unique COM classes as possible allowing me to become well-versed in all aspects of COM before graduation.

Question: Why did you choose communication as a major?

Answer: I chose communication as a major as it allows me to learn such a wide range of topics and research in my four years at ASU. Being a Communication major has allowed me to do research alongside my coursework as well as take interesting communication electives to prepare myself for law school. The communication track has allowed me to learn outside of textbooks and get hands-on learning experiences through projects, research, performances, and papers. Communication has been the perfect path for me here at ASU.

Question: What do you like best about your communication classes?

Answer: I like the professors and the interesting content the most in my communication classes. All the professors are well-versed and trained in their fields, allowing me to learn unique and specific topics such as intercultural communications, quantitative research, performance for communications, and conflicts. All my classes are small allowing me to get to know and bond with professors aiding me in my education. All the professors want to help students and adapt the curriculum to students' desires and interests. All classes are tailored specifically to the students in the class allowing me to learn about topics that interest me and my peers.

Question: Have you thought about your career goals? If so, what are they?

Answer: I am planning to go to law school after undergrad and have aspirations to become a criminal defense attorney.