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Undergraduate COM Course Descriptions and Sample Syllabi

Please be reminded these are sample syllabi, and your faculty member may have different policies, assignments, and schedules. These are only examples and are not uniform for every course and every faculty member.  

COM 100  Introduction to Human Communication
Topics-oriented introduction to basic theories, dimensions, and concepts of human communicative interaction and behavior.
Primary course component: Lecture
Sample COM100 syllabus (iCourse)
Sample COM100 syllabus (large lecture)
Sample COM100 syllabus (regular session)
Sample COM100 syllabus (ASUonline)

COM 110  Elements of Interpersonal Communication
Demonstration and practice of communicative techniques in establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM110 syllabus

COM 194  Special Topics
Covers topics of immediate or special interest to a faculty member and students. 
Primary course component: Lecture

Sample COM194 syllabus

COM 207  Introduction to Communication Inquiry
Bases of inquiry into human communication, including an introduction to notions of theory, philosophy, problems, and approaches to the study of communication.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: COM 100 with C or better; Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM207 syllabus (regular session)
Sample COM207 syllabus (ASUonline)

COM 222  Argumentation
Philosophical and theoretical foundations of argumentation, including a comparison of models of advocacy and evidence.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: ENG 101, 105 or 107 with C or better
Sample COM222 syllabus

COM 225  Public Speaking
Verbal and nonverbal communication in platform speaking. Discussion and practice in vocal and physical delivery and in purposeful organization and development of public communication.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: ENG 101, 105, or 107 with C or better
Sample COM225 syllabus (regular session)
Sample COM225 syllabus (once weekly)

COM 230  Small Group Communication
Principles and processes of small group communication, attitudes, and skills for effective participation and leadership in small groups, small group problem solving, and decision making.
Primary course component: Lecture
Sample COM230 syllabus (regular session)
Sample COM230 syllabus (once weekly)

COM 241  Introduction to Oral Interpretation
Oral interpretation is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of literature and the communicative sharing of that interpretation. It is an opportunity to combine critical analysis of a text with the experiential knowledge of the body and voice. It is a creative, thought-provoking, and physical experience.

Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; ENG 101, 105 or 107 with C or better
Sample COM241 syllabus

COM 250  Introduction to Organizational Communication
Introduces the study of communication in organizations, including the identification of variables, roles, and patterns influencing communication in organizations.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM250 syllabus

COM 259  Communication in Business and the Professions
Interpersonal, group, and public communication in business and professional organizations.
Primary course component: Lecture
Prerequisite(s): non-Communication student; minimum 25 hours
Sample COM259 syllabus (regular session)
Sample COM259 syllabus (hybrid class)

COM 263  Elements of Intercultural Communication
Basic concepts, principles, and skills for improving communication among persons from different minority, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM263 syllabus (regular session)
Sample COM263 syllabus (ASUonline)

COM 281  Communication Activities
Nongraded participation in forensics or interpretation co-curricular activities. Maximum 3 semester hours each semester.
Primary course component: Practicum                                                              

COM 294  Special Topics
Covers topics of immediate or special interest to a faculty member and students.
Primary course component: Lecture    

COM 298  Honors Directed Study
Independent study or practicum under the supervision of a faculty member.
Primary course component: Practicum
Pre-requisite: Barrett Honors student     

COM 300  Communication in Interdisciplinary Studies
Examines and analyzes communication in the context of other academic disciplines. Open to BIS majors only.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: BIS student; Minimum Sophomore standing; Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 100 and COM 225 with C or better or COM 259 with C or better

COM 308  Advanced Research Methods in Communication
Advanced communication research methods, including quantitative, qualitative, and critical approaches.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: COM 207 with a C or better; ENG 101, ENG 105, or ENG 107 with a C or better; MAT 117 or an MA general studies course with C or better; minimum 2.00 GPA OR Visting University Student
Sample COM308 syllabus

COM 310  Relational Communication
Explores communication issues in the development of personal relationships. Current topics concerning communication in friendship, romantic, and work relationships.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 100 with C or better
Sample COM310 syllabus        

COM 312  Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation
Theories and strategies of communication relevant to the management of conflicts and the conduct of negotiations.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: COM 100 with C or better; Minimum GPA of 2.00
Sample COM312 syllabus (regular session)
Sample COM312 syllabus (ASUonline)         

COM 316  Gender and Communication
Introduces gender-related communication. Examines verbal, nonverbal, and paralinguistic differences and similarities within social, psychological, and historical perspectives.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM316 syllabus

Sample COM316 syllabus (ASUonline)

COM 317  Nonverbal Communication
Study of communication using space, time, movement, facial expression, touch, appearance, smell, environment, objects, voice, and gender/cultural variables.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; Minimum 45 hours; Credit is allowed for only COM 317 or CMN 475
Sample COM317 syllabus

COM 319  Persuasion and Social Influence
Variables that influence and modify attitudes and behaviors of message senders and receivers, including analysis of theories, research, and current problems.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: COM 207 with C or better; Minimum 2.00 GPA; Credit is allowed for only CMN 329 or COM 319
Sample COM319 syllabus (regular session)

Sample COM319 syllabus (ASUonline)

COM 320  Communication and Consumerism
Critical evaluation of messages designed for public consumption. Perceiving, evaluating, and responding to political, social, and commercial communication.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM320 syllabus

COM 321  Rhetorical Theory and Research
Historical development of rhetorical theory and research in communication, from classical antiquity to the present.
Primary course component: Lecture
Prerequisite(s): minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 100 with C or better; ENG 101, 105, 107 or 111 with C or better
Sample COM321 syllabus

COM 323  Communication Approaches to Popular Culture
Critical analysis of popular culture within social and political contexts; emphasizes multicultural influences and representations in everyday life.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 100 with C or better
Sample COM323 syllabus

COM 325  Advanced Public Speaking
Social and pragmatic aspects of public speaking as a communicative system; strategies of rhetorical theory and the presentation of forms of public communication.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: COM 225 or COM 259 with C or better; Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM325 syllabus

COM 326  Courtroom Oratory
Increases knowledge and appreciation of the role of communication in the development of legal and public policies.
Primary course component: Lecture
Sample COM326 syllabus

COM 327  Civil Communication
It offers a theoretical understanding of civil communication and methods for applying civil communication practices in a variety of contexts.
Primary course component: Lecture
Prerequisite(s): minimum 2.00 GPA; junior standing
Sample COM327 syllabus

COM 341  Social Contexts for Performance
Adaptation and performance of literature for the community outside the university. Research into the practical uses of performed literature.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM341 syllabus         

COM 382  Classroom Apprenticeship
Nongraded credit for students extending their experience with a content area by assisting with classroom supervision in other COM courses.
Primary course component: Practicum
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; Credit is allowed for only CMN 382 or COM 382        

COM 394  Special Topics
Covers topics of immediate or special interest to a faculty member and students.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA

COM 400  Communication in Professions
Specialized study of communication processes in professional and organizational settings.
Primary course component: Lecture
Prerequisites: Interdisciplinary Studies or Business Communication student; Minimum Sophomore standing; Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 259 (or COM 100 and COM 225) with C or better
Sample COM400 syllabus – Topic: Identity and Diversity in Organizations
Sample COM400 syllabus – Topic: Rhetoric-Creating Meaning
Sample COM400 syllabus - Topic: Intercultural Business Communication (ASUonline)

COM 404  Research Apprenticeship
Direct research experience on faculty projects. Student/faculty match based on interests.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 308 with C or better

COM 407  Advanced Critical Methods in Communication
Examines critical approaches relevant to communication, including textuality, social theory, cultural studies, and ethnography.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 308 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only COM 407 or 507
Sample COM407 syllabus       

COM 408  Quantitative Research Methods in Communication
Advanced designs, measurement techniques, and methods of data analysis of communication research.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 308 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only COM 408 or 508
Sample COM408 syllabus (regular session)
Sample COM408 syllabus (once weekly)          

COM 410  Interpersonal Communication Theory and Research
Survey and analysis of major research topics, paradigms, and theories dealing with message exchanges between and among social peers.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 308 with C or better
Sample COM410 syllabus 

COM 411  Communication in the Family
A broad overview of communication issues found in marriage and family life, focusing on current topics concerning communication in the family.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 207 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only COM 411 or CMN 598 (Communication in the Family)
Sample COM411 syllabus

COM 414  Crisis Communication
Role of communication in crisis development and intervention.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM414 syllabus          

COM 421  Rhetoric of Social Issues
Critical rhetorical study of significant speakers and speeches on social issues of the past and present.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: COM 308 or COM 309 with C or better; COM 321 or 323 with C or better; Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM421 syllabus

COM 426  Political Communication
Theories and criticism of political communication; including campaigns, mass persuasion, propaganda, and speeches. Emphasizes rhetorical approaches.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM426 syllabus   

COM 430  Leadership in Group Communication
Theory and process of leadership in group communication, emphasizing philosophical foundations, contemporary research, and applications to group situations.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM430 iCourse syllabus

COM 430  Leadership in Group Communication - iCourse
This course is designed to provide a basic introduction to leadership by focusing on what it means to be a leader. The emphasis in the course is on the practice of leadership, 
Primary course component: Lecture 
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA

COM 442  Identity, Performance, and Human Communication
Explores communication dimensions of self and others as performance. Examines topics that include gender, race, sexuality, age, and ethnicity through performance.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: COM 225 (or COM 241); Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM442 syllabus

COM 445  Narrative Performance
Theory and practice of performing narrative texts (e.g., prose fiction, oral histories, diaries, essays, letters). Includes scripting, directing, and the rhetorical analysis of storytelling.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 241 with C or better
Sample COM445 syllabus

COM 446  Performance of Literature Written by Women
Explores, through performance and critical writing, literature written by women.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM446 syllabus

COM 450  Theory and Research in Organizational Communication
Critical review and analysis of the dominant theories of organizational communication and their corollary research strategies.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: COM 308 or COM 309 with C or better; Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM450 syllabus

COM 452  Communication and the Art of Happiness
Examines how communication behaviors relate to constructing happiness and well-being. Topics include gratitude, forgiveness, social support, appreciation, social networks, and communicative contagion of mood intersecting with issues of dyadic, group, and organizational communication. Auxiliary readings come from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, management, sociology, positive organizational scholarship, and appreciative inquiry. Course activities include reading, field exercises, journal writing, exams, project presentation(s) and paper(s).
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: 2.00 GPA; Junior standing; Credit is allowed for only COM 452 or 494 (Communication of Happiness)
Sample COM452 syllabus

COM 453  Communication Training and Development
Examines the procedures and types of communication training and development in business, industry, and government.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM453 syllabus (regular session)
Sample COM453 syllabus (ASUonline)   

COM 463  Intercultural Communication Theory and Research
Survey and analysis of major theories and research dealing with communication between people of different cultural backgrounds, primarily in international settings.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisites: Minimum 2.00 GPA
Sample COM463 syllabus

COM 484  Internship
Structured practical experience following a contract or plan, supervised by faculty and practitioners.Primary course component: Practicum 
Prerequisite(s): Communication major; minimum 56 hours; minimum 2.00 GPA; COM 225 with C or better; COM 308 with C or better 

COM 492  Honors Directed Study
Independent study in which a student, under the supervision of a faculty member, conducts research or creative work that is expected to lead to an undergraduate honors thesis or creative project.
Primary course component: Practicum
Pre-requisite: Barrett Honors student

COM 493  Honors Thesis
Supervised research or creative activity focused on the preparation and completion of an undergraduate honors thesis or creative project.
Primary course component: Practicum
Pre-requisite: Barrett Honors student

COM 494  Special Topics
Covers topics of immediate or special interest to a faculty member and students.
Primary course component: Lecture
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA

COM 497  Honors Colloquium
A class emphasizing discussion, written and/or oral presentation by students, and active participation.
Primary course component: Lecture 
Pre-requisite: Barrett Honors student

COM 499  Individualized Instruction
It provides an opportunity for original study or investigation in the major or field of specialization on an individual and more autonomous basis. Neither a substitute for a catalog course nor a means of taking a catalog course on an individual basis. Requires application well in advance of regular registration with the student's advisor, the advisor's signature, and approval by both the instructor with whom the student will work and the chair of the department offering the course.
Primary course component: Practicum 
Pre-requisite: Minimum 2.00 GPA