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Ana Isabel Terminel Iberri

Ana Terminel Iberri

Your Name:  Ana Isabel Terminel Iberri

Pronouns: she/ella

Please introduce yourself: Who are you and what are your research/teaching/activist interests?
My name is Ana, and I am a PhD candidate at ASU originally from Sonora, Mexico. My experiences navigating the US immigration system and the US educational system sparked my curiosity to understand how power functions in our society. My research home is in the critical paradigm where I embrace critical-qualitative, rhetorical, and performance approaches to the study of power in everyday life, and more specifically, within Latinx communities. My dissertation research embraces the Chicana/Latina feminist methodology pláticas to explore the ways that high school students who have experienced the foster care system challenge and resist oppression in their everyday lives. I also consider myself a critical pedagogue and use critical communication pedagogy in my teaching, and in my work with high school students. Ana Isabel Terminel Iberri

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about fostering critical community in different contexts. Contributing to humanizing environments where marginalized students can thrive fuels my teaching, research, and service. I’m also passionate about gatherings that center on food and friends.

What does transformation mean to you?
For me, transformation is a collective endeavor that necessitates an intentional politic that values humanization, reciprocity, and vulnerability. Of course, this also requires that we understand, interrogate, and implicate ourselves in the oppressive systems that are designed to marginalize specific members of our society.

What do you value most about the Transformation Project?
I appreciate and value the community that the Transformation Project has nurtured over the years, and the collaborations fostered between the Transformation Project and I4C.

In what ways do you want to transform the future?
I dream of a future built on care and humanization, free from oppressive systems of punishment and surveillance.   

What is your favorite dessert (and can you share a recipe for it)?
My favorite desserts are coyotas de cajeta and raspados de tamarindo con lechera.