What We Study
Our school is internationally recognized for
scholarly excellence in the study of communication.
Health Communication
Health Communication explores the complexities of health in an increasingly global world and provides guidance and locally-specific solutions that advocate for healthy individuals and societies.
Intercultural Communication
Intercultural Communication involves the study across cultural and intercultural contexts of verbal and nonverbal messages, the dynamics of human interaction, the challenges of intercultural transitions, and the intricacies of intercultural relationships.
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication involves the study of interaction within a broad range of relationships, including those between friends, romantic partners, coworkers, family members and others.
Organizational Communication
Organizational Communication study adopts a multi-perspective, dynamic approach to the study of organizational life because organizations are increasingly complex.
Rhetoric and Public Communication
Rhetoric and Public Communication emphasizes critical, historical and theoretical study of public communication, including U.S. public address, rhetorical criticism, argumentation, rhetorical theory, cultural theory, feminist rhetoric and popular culture.
Performance Studies
Performance Studies is concerned with communication embedded in aesthetic texts and contexts offering courses that provide students with a multitude of communication and critical performance experiences.