

The Intercultural Communication and Global Engagement Interest Group (ICGlobal) promotes communication research, teaching, and practice that advance knowledge and competencies for living and working in our increasingly diverse and connected world.

We are dedicated to achieving our mission by

Creating a sense of identity and community among those who work in the intercultural/global arena (across all the content areas of communication and HDSHC research initiatives).  Faculty and graduate students have built collaborative work for globally engaged research projects (e.g., Drs. Pettigrew and Shin’s grant projects, Expanding the influence of Dale se REAL in Nicaragua Central America, Dr. Cheong’s grant projects, Internet of Things Inclusive Innovation, and  Asia Mediated: Interdisciplinary Curriculum Innovation and continue our efforts to extend access and sustain our outreach in global communities.)

Providing a conversation space for those who focus on culture and communication.  Along with other research initiatives, the ICGlobal interest group extends our network with intercultural communication scholars in different institutes and hosts guest lectures and workshops for graduate students, faculty in the Hugh Downs School, as well as for the ASU community.

Presenting their work at ASU include Dr. Mark Orbe (Professor at Western Michigan University) and a 2017-2018 Hugh Downs School Research Fellow on “Engaging Communities through Intercultural Communication,”  Dr. Alberto Gonzalez (Professor at Bowling Green State University) and a 2016-2017 Research Fellow on “We Went North instead of West: The Vernacular Rhetoric of Ohio Mexican Americans”; and Dr. Lawrence Frey (Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder) on “Talkin’ it to the Streets and the Seats: Promoting Social Justice through Communication Activism Research and Teaching.”

Encouraging collaboration among faculty and students with interests in culture and communication.  Members of the interest group are diligently committed to collaboration initiated by research ideas as well as developed via course offerings. Our efforts lead to numerous conference presentations and publications. Moreover, Professor Benjamin Broome’s graduate seminar on Intercultural Dialogue provides an opportunity for graduate students to facilitate a fruitful discussion on intercultural dialogue with other student learners to have meaningful conversations on ways to create a more diverse and inclusive campus community.

Supporting teaching and research that utilizes an intercultural/global perspective.  We provide resources for instructors to manage culturally diverse classrooms. In 2006, Dr. Yea-Wen Chen (Associate Professor at San Diego State University) provided a workshop on “Culture Identities, Power, and Ideology in the Context of Internalization: Increasing 'Engagement' in the U.S. Classroom” and facilitated a discussion of teaching pedagogy addressing cultural diversity in higher education.

Creating a more inclusive environment for intercultural dialogue at ASU: HDSHC offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses:

Undergraduate Courses

  • COM 263, Elements of Intercultural Communication
  • COM 300, Communication, Culture and Experience
  • COM 371, Communication, Culture and Language
  • COM 394, Cultural Communicology
  • COM 463, Intercultural Communication in a Global Context
  • COM 494, Intercultural Dialogue

 Graduate Seminar Courses

  • COM 598, Communication in Global Contexts
  • COM 691, Communication for Social Change: Theories and Praxis
  • COM 691, Survey of Intercultural Communication
  • COM 691, Spirituality in Culture & Communication
  • COM 691, Race, Gender & Ethnicity in Culture & Communication
  • COM 691, Race Ethnicity and Gender in the Study of Intercultural Communication
  • COM 691, Microaggressions in Communication
  • COM 691, Culture, Communication, and Health in Applied Contexts
  • COM 691, Communication Technology and Culture: Identity, Community & Politics
  • COM 691, Culture & New Media; Digital Technology Cultures

These course offerings help facilitate issues related to intercultural communication and global engagement in various commutative contexts and bring students and other ASU community members together to talk about the subjective matter.

Faculty:  Benjamin Broome, Pauline Cheong, Uttaran DuttaJonathan Pettigrew