Undergraduate Research Opportunities and Internships

Undergraduate Research Opportunities and Internships

Research Apprenticeship

COM 404

This course explores the methods and practices of communication research. You will work with a faculty member on research-oriented tasks over the course of the semester.  

Students in this class will obtain experience in the new data-driven landscape by collecting and analyzing data and learning how to present the findings. 

To apply, email Associate Professor Bradley Adame at badame@asu.edu. He will match you with a faculty member based on your interests.

3 Credits
Fall and Spring Semesters

Independent Study

COM 499

This course provides an opportunity for original study or investigation in the major or field of specialization on an individual or more autonomous basis. The application requires the instructor’s signature, the advisor’s signature, and approval by the director of the school offering the course

1-3 credits
Fall and spring offerings
application required

Applications are available at Forms or contact the Hugh Downs School office at 480-965-5095 or stop by Stauffer Hall A412.


COM 484

Internships are an excellent way to experience the workforce in a field that interests you. As an intern, you will be exposed to many different aspects of the field. You may be responsible for some specific tasks, and you may also have the experience of attending meetings, asking questions, shadowing different workers, and learning about the organization as a whole. You will meet people in the area you are interested in, make contacts, and earn referrals when you seek permanent employment. Internships can often lead to full-time jobs. Internships are also very valuable work experience to include on a resume. 

More Information.