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Barrett College Fellows

Barrett Honors College students are getting unique research opportunities through a partnership between the honors college and the Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The Barrett Fellows @ CLAS Centers Program allows second and third-year Barrett students to work with Research Centers in The College based on the students’ interests.

Communication Honors Students

Spring Showcase and Awards

Featuring performance texts from:

COM 241 Introduction to Oral Interpretation
COM 442 Performance, Identity, and Human Communication
COM 446 Performance of Literature by Women

Honoring the 2018 Kristin Bervig Valentine scholarship recipient and the Dessie E. Larsen graduate student fellowship recipient

Original performances by:
Jordan Klitzke, Ashley Wheeler, Kelsey Abele, Jay Taylor, Michael Tristano, Lizbett Binge, Rikki Tremblay, Reslie Cortés, Lauren Mark and Ana Terminel Iberri.