HDSHC Tutoring Hub

The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication offers one-on-one tutoring, group tutoring, and academic coaching for COM classes. 

Tutoring is currently available in the Fall and Spring Semesters. 

Our school is home to some of the nation’s top scholars in the study of Interpersonal, Organizational,
and Intercultural Communication, Rhetoric, and Performance Studies, as well as Health Communication,
Strategic Communication, and New Media. Our distinguished interdisciplinary faculty is
internationally recognized for teaching and research excellence in the study of communication.

Course and Safety Resources

Course Coordinators

Course Descriptions and Sample Syllabi

Library Reserve Services

Sunshine for Sun Devils encourages kindness through action. The human brain receives nearly 4,000 pieces of information every day, but our brains choose to pay attention to about 200 of the mostly negative bits of information.