Upcoming Performances

Wednesday, February 28

Dinner and Civil Dialogue®

"U.S. Foreign Policy and European Security"

6-8 p.m.

Co-Sponsored by the Melikian Center

Join us for food and challenging conversation about U.S. foreign policies in the Russian-Ukraine war and the broader geopolitical climate of the Eastern European region. Civil Dialogue® is a unique format that provides facilitated dialogues on “hot topics.” Diverse positions and identities are welcome and the goal is to acknowledge and seek better understanding of our disagreements with others, not necessarily to achieve agreement or consensus.

What is Civil Dialogue® ?

Civil Dialogue® (CD) is a format designed by John Genette in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University. The format allows for civil discussion of controversial topics. CD promotes the notion that individuals can have differing viewpoints and disagree vehemently with one another, yet can do so by employing civil communication.

Moderated by Jennifer Linde and Clark Olson

Dinner and Civil Dialogue

Sunday, March 10 - Monday, March 11

What is Social Media, Really?

A Communication-Arts Thesis Installation by Alyse Murphy

1-4 p.m.

Co-Sponsored by Barrett The Honors College